
8 Application program customized for your lawn. This programs includes Fertilization, Preemergent and Post-emergent weed control.
8 Application program customized for your lawn. This programs includes Fertilization, Pre-emergent and Postemergent weed control.
Mechanical core aeration removes plugs of soil, which breaks up compaction as well as allowing water, nutrients and air to better reach the roots, Resulting in a thicker, healthier lawn. Bermuda and Zosyia are the most common warm season turf grasses that benefit from this service. Other turf types can benefit from this as well.
This service is recommend for Fescue turf only. The service occurs during fall (September – November). The combination of Core Aeration and over-seeding with premium Fescue seed will create a plush fescue lawn. Usually you lose about 30% of Fescue turf per year due to die off (Drought, heat Stress, disease and insect damage Etc). We highly recommend this service in order to keep a thick fescue lawn.
With the changing weather patterns each year, such as drought or excessive rain can create the perfect environment for diseases to grow and damage your lawn. Our Disease control helps prevent and control many turf grass disease, that mostly occur during the growing season (April – September). Diseases controlled include but not limited to Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Rust, Pythium Blight.
Our Insect Control takes care of many insects that can damage your turf as well as keep you from enjoying your lawn. For example – Fire Ants, Ticks, Fleas, Army worms, Grubs, Beatles. Our insect control is friendly to your furry animals.